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But how to protect data once there, and how to get there.

Your data is critical, whether it is on-premise or in the cloud.  But how will you protect it in the cloud?  With this large volume of data, how do you get from on-premise to the could?

These are key questions.  Paradise Canyon has partnered with key solutions to solve both of these problems.  How to effectively and efficiently migrate your email, archives, and even file share data from on-premise solutions can be accomplished with solutions from TransVault.  Then in the cloud, a completely cloud based Backup-As-A-Service comprehensive solution from Spanning that can backup and protect data and give users an easy to user self-service portal that can relieve IT staff to focus on strategic issues, is available from Spanning.

DATA PROTECTION (Backup/Recovery) for the cloud with Spanning

Data in the cloud is important and it still needs to be protected from accidental and/or intentional deletion.  The Microsoft 365 and Google Workplace service level agreements ensure that services will be available and best efforts made to restore data after a failure.  SLA's do not explicitly guarantee protection of data from service failures, or from users deleting data.  This is where Spanning solves a critical business need, backing up that cloud based data.  Spanning is a secure cloud based backup solution to back up Microsoft 365 and Google Workplace.

Microsoft 365 - Learn More about Data Protection

Google Workplace - Learn More about Data Protection

MIGRATe To the Cloud with TransVault migrator and sprint

Users want their data in the cloud just as they have in on-premise services.  Migration tools, from vendors such as TransVault, are used to migrate critical data from current email services and email archive sources.  Migration solutions and services from Paradise Canyon are performed in a controlled, audited, and validated method.  Migration can be done as direct migrations from source data into the cloud, or can be performed utilizing disk shipment processes.  They key is making sure the data is complete and available, and Paradise Canyon is the partner to help you get there.

Learn More about Migration to Google Workplace with TransVault

Learn More about Migration to Microsoft 365 with TransVault

Microsoft 365 and Google Workplace present empowering technology shifts for business users today. Cloud based suites of technologies that deliver messaging and collaboration capabilities as well as daily use business productivity applications for word processing, spreadsheet and analysis, presentations, and more.  Microsoft 365 and Google Workplace are hosted in vendor data centers and services to relieve the demands on IT Operations to maintain servers and storage for such services and applications.  

Microsoft 365 can be maintained solely in the cloud, or integrated in hybrid, private, and public cloud deployments, and as needed integrated with on-premise data center operations to fit changing business demands.

Goggle Workplace (formerly G-Suite and commonly as GMail) is a cloud based solution for business productivity needs.  Availability to end user and administrators is via a web browser.